As announced recently there will be NO ‘second collections’ after Communion so please don’t “miss the boat” the first time (and only) at the Offertory when the ushers pass by with the collection basket
Over 95% of people infected with the new Delta variant are not vaccinated. This variant is much more easily transmitted . Please if at all possible protect yourself and others
Thanks to all for cooperating with face covering while inside church buildings. Outside a building not required and certainly not on this part of our parish (western boundary of parish) which you may recognize. Sunset on Saturday, July 17, 2021
A memo from the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of L.A., (dated July 16, 2021) states in part that “the Archdiocese has decided to follow the L.A. County Health Dept. in requiring everyone to wear a mask indoors at our L.A. County parishes, offices, and schools effective” Sunday July 18, 2021.
Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter by Supreme Pontiff Francis, “Traditionis Custodes.” This new directive will affect the celebration of this pre-Vatican ll Mass…
Due to damaged center church ceiling roof the church will be closed after the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Monday, July 12, and should reopen to the public for 12:10 p.m. Mass on Thursday, July 15th. Flacking paint, mildew, and crumbling plaster on the insider center roof beam and the window in the previous baptistery will be repaired. Also, at the end of the month water leaks around the church tower will be repaired. Will keep you posted. Take a photo of it this weekend and then next weekend to see the difference! I would include a photo here but as of this writing I keep forgetting. Will post in tomorrow, Sunday…